Friday, November 13, 2015

Tugas MK Bioteknologi Peternakan

Setiap kelompok membuat makalah dengan tema sesuai yang telah ditentukan di bawah ini. Makalah didiskusikan pada 2x pertemuan di perkuliahan dalam bentuk presentasi. Makalah ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau pun bahasa Inggris dalam format microsoft word, dilengkapi dengan referensi.

Kelompok 1.
Mention four characteristic features of an enzyme. What environmental factors can influence enzyme technology? Justify your answer clearly.

Kelompok 2.
What is white technology? Compare it with "red", "blue" and "green"- technology.

Kelompok 3.
Explain about enzyme immobilization and its techniques. What technique would you employ to obtain the purest form of an enzyme?

Kelompok 4.
Explain how activation energy is responsible for maintenance of the structure of a biomolecule. What is the correlation between activation energy and enzyme function?

Kelompok 5.
In the case of animal husbandry, the use of probiotics has recently been reinforced to prohibit the use of antibiotics as livestock growth simulators. Explain about pre- and probiotics use in animal feed application.

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