Thursday, October 09, 2014

Proteksi Minyak Biji Kapuk secara in vitro

 (The Effect of Supplementation and Protection of Kapok Seed Oil on In vitro Ruminal Fermentability of Elephant Grass on Cattle Rumen Fluids)

D. D. Dinata, Widiyanto dan R. I. Pujaningsih
Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro
Kampus drh. R. Soejono Koesomowardojo, Tembalang Semarang 50275


          Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui interaksi antara suplementasi dan proteksi minyak biji kapuk (MBK) terhadap kecernaan dan hasil fermentasi ruminal rumput gajah secara in vitro.  Materi yang digunakan adalah rumput gajah, minyak biji kapuk, reagen KOH dan CaCl2 serta cairan rumen sapi.  Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 3 x 5 dengan 2 kali ulangan, faktor I yaitu aras suplementasi MBK : 5% (S1); 10% (S2) dan 15% (S3), faktor II yaitu aras proteksi : 0% (P0); 25% (P1); 50% (P2); 75% (P3) dan 100% (P4), serta perlakuan kontrol tanpa suplementasi dan proteksi (S0P0).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara suplementasi dan proteksi terhadap KcBK dan KcBO.  Nilai KcBK dan KcBO tertinggi dihasilkan oleh perlakuan kontrol, yaitu 55,17% dan 54,27%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada interaksi antara suplementasi dan proteksi terhadap produksi VFA dan NH3.  Produksi VFA dan NH3 tertinggi dicapai pada aras suplementasi 10% dan proteksi 25% yaitu 152,5 dan 6,50 mM.  Simpulan penelitian adalah suplementasi dan proteksi minyak biji kapuk tidak mempengaruhi hasil fermentasi ruminal, namun menurunkan kecernaan ransum basal rumput gajah secara in vitro.

          Kata kunci: minyak biji kapuk, suplementasi, proteksi, in vitro.


          The purpose of this research was to study the interaction between supplementation and protection of kapok seed oil (KSO) influence on in vitro digestibility and ruminal fermentability products of elephant grass.  Material used were elephant grass, kapok seed oil, KOH and CaCl2 reagens and cattle rumen fluids.  Completely randomized design (CRD) was used with two factorial pattern 3 x 5 with 2 replications, first factor was supplementation of KSO consist of 3 levels: 5% (S1); 10% (S2); and 15% (S3), respectively.  Second factor was protection consist of 5 levels: 0% (P0); 25% (P1); 50% (P2); 75% (P3) and 100% (P4); also control treatment without supplementation and protection of KSO (S0P0).  The result of this research showed there was no interaction between supplementation and protection of KSO on digestibility of elephant grass.  The highest In vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) and In vitro Digestibility of Organic Material (IVDOM) reached by control treatment, 55,17% and 54,27%, respectively.  The conclusion of this research showed infulence of interaction between supplementation and protection of KSO on VFA and NH3 production.  The highest VFA and NH3 production reached by 10% supplementation and 25% protection were 152,5 and 6,50 mM.  The conclusion recommended that supplementation and protection of KSO was not influenced ruminal fermentation, but decreased on in vitro digesbility of elephant grass.

          Keyword: kapok seed oil, supplementation, protection, in vitro.
